Our Services
Warwick Family Medical can offer you and your family a wide range of healthcare services.
Mental Health / Care Plan / Health Assessment
Care Plans and Mental Health Plans (may incur a fee this is at the doctors discretion). Please make sure you know who you want to see for Allied Health Services before attending your appointment.
Skin / Mole Check
Thorough skin checks provided by our doctors.
Telephone Consultations
At the discretion of the doctor as to whether these will be bulk billed.
Minor Procedure / Cosmetic
We do a large range of skin cancer surgery if it is safe to do so in the surgery. There will be a cost at the doctors discretion which covers equipment used and post service care e.g. wound care. This cost is not claimable through Medicare.
Antenatal / Postnatal Care
We offer Antenatal and Postnatal care according to “The Guidelines”.
Work Cover
We are partnered with WorkCover QLD and other private Work Cover Companies.
Aged Care Service
We offer a wide range of services in Aged Care in the Warwick area.
Ear Piercing
Ear piercing available at a cost of $60 (includes earrings).
Skin Care Products
A range of Skin Care Products are available at all times.
Iron Infusions
The cost will be advised to you on booking for this procedure.
Q Fever Vaccinations
Q Fever Vaccinations consist of 2 appointments. The first appointment consists of Q Fever Skin Test and pathology form to have blood test done. Cost $200. The second appointment (7 days later) If you require the Q Fever Vaccination is $200 and this is uploaded to Australian Immunisation Register. If no Medicare proof of vaccination will be provided.